Guitar Practice Videos - Guitar Video Lessons

Guitar Practice Video Lessons

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On this page you will find many guitar practice videos that will show you how to improve a variety of aspects of your guitar playing. In order to get much bigger results from your practice time, you must know how to avoid the most common mistakes guitarists make when learning guitar and also understand how to practice the most important guitar playing techniques.

Watching the guitar video lessons below will help you to become an expert at solving your own guitar playing problems so that you can speed up the process of becoming the musician you want to be.


natural talent

How Much Should You Worry About Natural Talent?

This video shows you a unique perspective on natural talent... and whether you should worry about it or not.

guitar progress killers

4 Things Guitarists *think* Make Them Better... That DON'T!

This video shows you 4 “innocent” things you’re probably doing every time you practice that are killing your gains. The simple solution is... to STOP doing them.

shredding with a tense picking hand

Picking Hand Trick Nobody Is Talking About

This video shows you a unique perspective on excess muscle tension (what it means, what it DOESN'T mean and how to use this insight to pick faster and cleaner).

slow guitar practice

Why Yngwie Plays His "Slow" Examples So Damn Fast

This video shows you a unique perspective on slow practice (what it means, what it DOESN'T mean and how to use this insight to become a better player faster).

finger independence drills

Finger Independence Drills Are Killing Your Gains

This video shows you a better way to build finger independence (without finger independence drills).

sweep picking tips

How Yngwie SHOULD Have Explained Sweep Picking

This video shows you a very simple way to make difficult sweep picking licks feel easy.

sweep picking tips

How Yngwie SHOULD Have Explained Sweep Picking

This video shows you a very simple way to make difficult sweep picking licks feel easy.

fast tremoo picking

4 Surprising Laws Of Fast Tremolo Picking

This video shows you 4 simple ways to speed up your tremolo picking.

2-hand sync string changes

Why Aren't More Guitar Teachers Teaching This?

This video shows you a simple way to sync up your hands on string changes.

guitar playing in trouble

Your Guitar Playing Is In Trouble If you Do This

This video shows you common guitar technique mistakes to avoid in your playing.

sync up your hands the easy way

Do This To Sync Up Your Hands The Easy Way

This video gives you simple drills for syncing up your hands for fast guitar playing.

guitar practice mistakes

5 Guitar Practice Mistakes That Are Killing Your Gains

This video helps you avoid very common guitar practice mistakes that are slowing down your progress.

quick guitar speed boost

This May Be The Quickest Way To Boost Guitar Speed

This video shows you a simple way to boost your speed (without any slow guitar practice).

bigger fretting hand stretch

Getting The “Paul Gilbert Reach” With Small Hands

This video explains a simple way to play bigger fretting hand stretches, even if you have "small" hands.

guitar speed myth

This Guitar Speed Myth Must Die

This video explains what elements go into practicing to build guitar speed (they are not what you think).

John Petrucci's Underrated musical skill

This May Well Be Petrucci's Most Underrated Musical Skill

It's not shredding. And it's not his songwriting. It's not even his live playing. Watch this video to see what it is and how to practice it to inch your guitar playing to pro level.

Paul Gilbert Bad Habits

Paul Gilbert Comes Clean About His CRAZY Bad Habits

Before you try to play guitar really fast... see if you can play even 2 notes the way I show in the video.

guitar speed test

2-Note "Test" Of Guitar Speed Potential

Before you try to play guitar really fast... see if you can play even 2 notes the way I show in the video.

guitar speed potential

"Shredding Is, In Fact, Genetic", says...

Use these guitar practice tricks to "give yourself" extra potential to play guitar fast.

play guitar without mistakes

The #1 Rule For Playing Guitar Without Mistakes

This video show you how to make your guitar playing more consistent and reliable.

play guitar without mistakes

Having A Practice Routine = NO GAINS (Do THIS Instead)

This video explains a better way to practice guitar than having a practice routine.

play guitar with your ears

I Decoded Yngwie's Cryptic Guitar Practice Advice

This video show you how to clean up sloppy guitar playing at fast speeds, without slowing down.

genius billionaire gives advice to guitar players

Genius Billionaire Gives Advice To Guitar Players

This video gives you an awesome guitar practice tip for how to solve problems that feel impossible right now.

play fast and stay relaxed

The Secret Of Playing Guitar Fast AND Staying Relaxed

This video shows you an overlooked way great guitar players play fast and stay very relaxed.

guitar speed killers

5 Non-Obvious Guitar Speed Killers

This video shows you 5 non-obvious guitar speed killers (avoid these!).

Picking and legato shred lick

How To Shred When You Can't Play Guitar Fast

This video shows you a simple shred guitar lick that's easy to play fast (even if you are not advanced yet).

will you ever catch up to great guitar players?

Will You Ever Catch Up To Great Guitar Players?

This video shows you what it takes to catch up to great guitar players.

10,000 hour rule

10,000 hour rule = NO GAINS

This video shows how long it takes to master guitar.

tempo contrasting

Guitar Speed Hack: Tempo Contrasting

This video shows a new way to use a metronome to build guitar speed.

unplayable guitar lick

The Mystery Of The "Unplayable" Guitar Lick

This video shows a simple way to make "impossible" guitar licks easier to play.

5 benefits of practicing guitar naked

5 Benefits Of Playing Guitar Naked (MAJOR TECHNIQUE GAINS!)

Want to improve your guitar technique? Do what this video says.

why John Petrucci practices so weird

Why John Petrucci Practices Guitar So Weird

This video breaks down several John Petrucci's guitar practice video clips and shows you the guitar practice lessons you can extract from each one.

stop putting great players on a pedestal

Stop Putting Great Players On A Pedestal

This video shows you how to improve faster by learning to believe in your musical potential.

wrong way to build speed

Wrong Way To Build Guitar Speed

This video warns you about the wrong way to build guitar speed.

muscle memory

Most Guitarists Don't Know THIS About Muscle Memory

This video shows you what most guitarists don't know about muscle memory.

moment arm advantage

The #1 Principle For Fast Picking On Guitar

This video shows you #1 principle for fast picking on guitar (it's not pick slanting).

learn any scale fast

Do this to learn any scale on guitar as quickly as possible.

This video shows you the fastest way to learn scales on guitar.

unplugged shredding

Comparing the sound of alternate, economy and directional picking on an uplugged guitar.

This video compares the sound of alternate, economy and directional picking on an uplugged guitar.

pick slanting

Pick Slanting Is Killing Your Gains.

This video explores pick slanting and why it's not the magic bullet of guitar speed many people think that it is.

guitar technique life hacks

10 Guitar Technique Life Hacks

This video shows 10 guitar technique life hacks that make playing guitar easier.

micro goals

Guitarists: You're Guaranteed To Make Progress, If...

This video shows how to get more and faster feedback from every guitar practice session.

4-note guitar lick

This 4-Note Guitar Lick Is No Joke...

This video shows you how to build more guitar speed and improve your fretboard visualization with scales.

2-hand synchronization

Hands Getting Out Of sync? Do This To Fix It...

This video shows you how to get your hands in tighter sync, so you can play guitar fast and clean.

blame your thumb

Why Guitar Playing Feels Hard

This video shows you how to make your guitar playing feel easier by getting control over your fretting hand thumb.

goal setting

Guitarists: You'r Killing Your Progress, If...

This video shows you why the traditional advice to set goals is hurting your progress and what to do instead.

play guitar fast and clean

How To Play Guitar Fast *Without* Sounding Sloppy

This video shows you how to play guitar fast and clean without sloppy string noise.

why speed plateaus happen

Why Speed Plateaus Happen

This video explores 6 reasons why speed plateaus happen on guitar and how to fight against them.

circular or wrist picking for guitar speed

Wrist Or Circular Picking For Guitar Speed?

This video compares wrist-dominant guitar picking (a la Paul Gilbert) and circular picking (a la Takayoshi Ohmura).

legato practice

5 Easy Ways To Do Legato Cleaner & Faster

In this video, I show you 5 easy ways to do legato cleaner & faster.

5 minute guitar practice routine

No Guitar Player Is Ever Self-Taught...

In this video, I show you why thinking you are "self-taught" as a guitar player is like believing in Santa Claus when you are 30.

5 minute guitar practice routine

15 Things You Can Practice On Guitar In 5 Minutes Or Less

In this video, I show you 15 things you can practice on guitar in 5 minutes or less.

unlock your wrist video

Wrist Motions For Fast Guitar Picking Speed

In this video, I show you how to correctly move your wrist for fast and accurate picking on guitar.

how to practice Yngwie's guitar solo

"I'll See The Light Tonight" Pre-Solo By Yngwie Malmsteen - Guitar Practice Tips

This video shows you how to practice "I'll See The Light Tonight" Pre-Solo By Yngwie Malmsteen.

guitar vibrato tip

[Guitar Vibrato] How To Mute String Noise On Vibrato & String Bends

This video shows you how to mute string noise on guitar vibrato and string bends.

how not to build guitar speed

How NOT To Build Guitar Speed

To build guitar speed, you have to know what *to* do and you also better know what *not* to do. This mini guitar speed lesson is about the latter.

pinch harmonics for guitar - how to do them

3 Steps To Easy Pinch Harmonics (These Work Every Time)

This video shows you how to correctly do pinch harmonics every time.

fix flying fingers for guitar

How To Fix Flailing Fingers On Guitar

This video shows you how to fix flying fingers in the fretting hand to play guitar faster and cleaner.

finger strength for guitar

Why Finger Strength For Guitar Is Overrated (Rant)

This video shows you why finger strength exercises for guitar don't make you play better and can even make you play worse.

position shifts on guitar

How To Nail Fast Fretting Hand Position Shifts On Guitar

This video shows you how to consistently nail fast fretting hand position shifts without mistakes.

shred with small guitar picks

Is It Possible To Shred With Small Guitar Picks?

This video shows you what happens when you try to shred with ultra thin guitar picks.

guitar gains from lifting

5 (Advanced) Guitar Practice Tips Every Guitarist Should Know

This video shows you 5 advanced guitar practice lessons I got from powerlifting.

violate guitar technique rules

When It's Ok To Violate Guitar Technique "Rules"

This video shows you when it's ok to ignore traditional guitar technique "rules" in your guitar practice.

stretches made easy

Guitar Lesson For People With "Small Hands"

This video shows you how to make fretting hand stretches feel easy, even if you have small hands.

picking hand trills

Do This To Sync Your Hands Up For Maximum Speed

This video shows you how to sync up your hands using picking hand trills.

hand independence

How To Pick Hard & Not Get Tense

This video shows you how to hit the strings with a lot of force when you play guitar, without becoming tense.

bad habits

How To Fix Your Bad Guitar Technique Habits

This video shows you a 5-step process for fixing your bad guitar technique habits.

hour of practice

Practice Like This When Your Practice Time Is Limited

This video shows a practice routine that can help you make an hour of progress in 20 minutes.

nonperpendicular fretting

Use Non-Perpendicular Fretting To Play Guitar Faster & Cleaner

This video shows a nuance of fretting hand technique most guitarists ignore. It will make many of your guitar licks feel much easier and sound cleaner.


How John Petrucci Has so Much Fretting Hand Endurance And Stamina.

This video is a breakdown of John Petrucci's legato and picking techniques for guitar.


Why Strict Alternate & Strict Economy Picking Are Both Stupid. Do This Instead.

This video shows a better way to pick than strict alternate (or strict economy) picking.

guitar string action

Is Low Guitar String Action REALLY Better For Playing Fast?

This video shows what happens when you raise (or lower) your guitar string action and helps you decide if you should do it or not.

slow guitar practice

Why Slow Guitar Practice (Often) Doesn't Work

This video shows why slow guitar practice doesn't work for most people and how you can become one of the few for whom it does work.

build guitar speed

How To Build Guitar Speed Without Slowing The Lick Down.

This video helps you build speed with long guitar licks, without doing slow practice.

guitar accuracy booster

How To Boost Your Picking Accuracy And 2-Hand Synchronization.

This video helps you boost your picking hand accuracy, synchronization and articulation.

guitar exercises

How To Correctly Find And Practice Guitar Exercises For Yourself.

This video shows you the right way to practice guitar exercises (and how to tell when you even need them).

paul gilbert

How To Troubleshoot Your Guitar Playing Mistakes And Fix Them Quickly

This video shows how to "audit" your guitar playing mistakes using the guitar mastery checklist.

paul gilbert

How Paul Gilbert Plays So Fast And Stays So Relaxed

This video breaks down Paul Gilbert's technique and helps you play faster with less effort.

yngwie malmsteen

What Yngwie Malmsteen Does To Pick Fast And Clean

This video breaks down Yngwie's picking technique and helps you shred faster and cleaner.

inconsistent guitar playing

How To Make Your Guitar Playing More Consistent

This video helps you make your guitar playing more consistent.

speed plateaus

Learning Songs On Guitar

This video helps you overcome your guitar speed plateaus.

learn songs

Learning Songs On Guitar

This video tells you if you should learn songs on guitar to improve your guitar technique.

wrist vs forearm

Should You Use The Wrist Or The Forearm To Shred On Guitar

This video shows you if you should pick using your wrist or forearm.

how to practice sweep picking on guitar

How To Sweep Pick Fast And Clean And Play Guitar Without Sloppy Mistakes

Playing guitar fast is not enough - you also want to play cleanly and avoid embarassing mistakes that make you sound bad, right? To do this, you need to learn how to practice the right way, so your playing always gets better when you pick up your guitar. It's not as hard as you might think. Watch this video to learn how to play guitar cleanly without mistakes.

guitar string action

Simple Tip That Instantly Makes Your Guitar Playing Sound Better

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a simple way to make your guitar playing sound better & cleaner without doing more practice? Of course it would... and you are about to learn one such way. It has nothing to do with your hands and has everything to do with how your guitar is set up. You can implement it in just 5 minutes and see results right away. Learn a simple guitar tip that instantly makes you sound better when you play.

guitar picking hand efficiency

Picking Hand Tips That Make Playing Guitar Feel Effortless

Playing guitar becomes a lot more enjoyable when you don't struggle to play the notes. Effective guitar practice makes your guitar playing feel effortless. This helps you to play the music you want to play without fighting against yourself. Learn simple picking hand tips for guitar that make your guitar playing feel effortless.

how to create guitar exercises

How To Create Guitar Exercises For Yourself

You need effective guitar exercises to maximize your musical progress. Effective exercises are customized to your specific challenges, goals and needs on guitar. This helps you avoid overwhelm from having too much to practice, so you can improve your skills in less time. Learn how to create the right guitar exercises for yourself.

improve your picking technique

Guitar Practice Drill That Improves Your Picking Technique

To pick clean and fast on guitar, your hands must work independently of each other. The fretting hand must stay relaxed as your picking hand plays the notes with power. This video shows how to develop independent coordination in your hands when you play guitar.

clean up sloppy sweep picking

Guitar Tension Control Tip That Helps Your Guitar Playing

Your guitar playing becomes much easier when you learn how to relax extra tension in your hands during guitar practice. This helps you play guitar much longer without becoming tired and without making embarassing mistakes. Learn a simple way to control excess tension in your guitar technique.

clean up sloppy sweep picking

How To Clean Up Sloppy Sweep Picking At Fast Speeds

Your sweep picking technique improves quickly when you learn how to spot sloppy mistakes at faster speeds and fix them in real time (without slowing down). This video shows a simple guitar practice method that cleans up your sweep picking and helps you create cool arpeggio guitar licks in the process. Learn how to clean up sloppy sweep picking.

make barre chords very easy to play

How To Make Barre Chords Feel Easy To Play

Many guitarists have a hard time playing barre chords without persistent thumb and wrist pain. This fatigue makes playing guitar a real struggle. Learn how to practice barre chords to make them very easy to play, so you can play your favorite songs accurately and with little effort.

guitar technique tension control

Guitar Practice Tips For Managing Excess Tension

Your favorite guitar players all make their playing look (and sound) easy. You can learn to do the same when you practice guitar in a way that makes this possible. This video shows simple tips that help you control unwanted muscle tension in your body when you play guitar.

practice vibrato on guitar

4 Tips That Improve Your Guitar Vibrato Technique

The sound of your guitar vibrato determines the sound of everything you play on guitar. When your vibrato sounds great, you sound great (or at least very good). If your vibrato is weak, the rest of your playing sounds weak as well. Learn how to practice guitar vibrato technique, so you master it and make your guitar playing sound great. 

2-hand synchronization for guitar

2-Hand Synchronization Improvement Tips For Guitarists

Your hands must always move in perfect sync for every note you play. This ensures that your guitar playing sounds good, articulate and clean. You need specific guitar practice strategies that help you maintain your synchronization at the highest tempos. This video shows a simple guitar practice drill that improves your 2-hand synchronization.

practice guitar with distortion or clean tone

Why Practicing Guitar With Distortion Helps You FIX Guitar Playing Mistakes

Fact: playing guitar with a clean tone makes many of your mistakes harder to hear and fix. Distortion makes mistakes more obvious and easier to correct. Yes, you read this correctly. Watch this video to see proof why you should practice guitar with distortion

sweep pick fast and clean

How To Sweep Pick Fast And Clean

It's not hard to make your sweep picking clean and fast and I will show you how to do this with any arpeggio you practice. There are 6 areas of your guitar technique and general practicing you must focus on and master. When you do, sweep picking will begin to feel incredibly natural, fast and fluid...and you'll met faces off of everyone who hears you play guitar. Learn what it takes to sweep pick fast and clean.

warm ups for guitar

Effective Warm Up Routine For Playing And Practicing Guitar

Warming your hands up for practicing guitar is not fun for most people...and in the winter months this process takes even longer. There is a shortcut you can use to help your fingers become warm a lot faster, while improving your picking and fretting hand techniques and minimizing excessive tension in your body. Best of all, it will reduce the amount of time you currently spend warming up, leaving you with more time to actually practice and get better as a guitarist. Learn a highly effective way to warm up on guitar.

fretting hand mistakes for guitar

8 Fretting Hand Mistakes You Must Avoid In Your Guitar Technique

Fact: your hardest guitar playing challenges often have very, very simple solutions. Sometimes all it takes is one micro adjustment in the way you play guitar or position your hands and suddenly things that seemed unplayable before become effortless. Give me 11 minutes and I’ll show you 8 most common fretting hand problems that cripple your guitar technique and simple solutions to each one that will make you a much better guitarist. Learn how to improve your fretting hand technique for guitar.

guitar picking hand mistakes

10 Guitar Picking Mistakes You Must Avoid

Improving your picking hand technique for guitar is not done by seeking out "picking exercises" - it's done by refining the nuances of your picking motions and mastering them to a very high level. To do that, you must learn how to train your picking technique when you practice, as well as what NOT to do when practicing. Watch this video to learn about 10 common guitar picking mistakes and how to avoid them.

Why Your Guitar Progress Is Slow And How To Correct It

Looking for more guitar exercises won’t make you a better guitarist. Why? Because the usefulness of exercises is only as high as your ability to practice them. To make more progress in your playing, stop looking for things to practice for awhile. Instead focus on how you practice your guitar and learn how to correctly practice all the hundreds of guitar exercises you already have. Learn how to make more progress in your guitar playing without any new exercises.

Can You Spot These Guitar Practice Mistakes?

Can you spot the 15 things I do wrong in this video while practicing guitar? This fun challenge will help you to understand how much you REALLY know about practicing guitar and how well you can pinpoint the causes of your own guitar playing problems. This ability to is critical to getting the most results out of your practice time. Take the test and then I will send you my feedback and answers that will make your practice time a lot more effective. See if you can spot these guitar practice mistakes.

What Should You Practice On Guitar (Answered)

Don’t waste your time practicing every random guitar exercise that you come across- distracting yourself from what you REALLY should be learning. There are ONLY 8 core areas of your guitar playing that you must practice to improve on a regular basis… yes, just 8. When you consistently and correctly practice these elements of musicianship, your guitar skills will have nowhere to go but through the roof! Here is what to practice to become a great guitarist.

How To Practice Guitar With Limited Time

We all want more guitar practice time, but what can you do if your time is REALLY limited? Good news, you absolutely can make consistent progress in your playing even with little time, if you: stop wasting the practice time you DO have, know how to set very specific goals with every practice item and fully take advantage of every minute of ‘idle’ time you have to make yourself a better guitarist. Learn how to do all of the above (plus a lot more) in this video on practicing guitar with limited time.

Guitar Picking Mistake That Almost Everyone Makes

It doesn't matter what practice approaches you use or what exercises you practice - you won’t build fast picking speed until you make your picking technique highly efficient and streamlined. There is one mistake in particular that most guitarists suffer from (some have it worse than others) that makes fast playing many times harder than it should be. Watch this video to learn what it is, how to fix it and how to make your technique highly efficient, so you can play guitar faster.

Do This For 10 Minutes Per Day To Improve Your Picking Hand Speed

Want to make your fast guitar playing feel easier and sound cleaner? There is a simple tip that will help to improve your picking speed, no matter if you still struggle with playing fast or simply want to take this skill to a higher level. Best part is, it doesn't require a lot of practice time and it’s not difficult at all. Normally I don’t believe in 'tricks' when it comes to practicing guitar, but this one actually WORKS. Learn all about it in this guitar picking video.

3 Common Legato Mistakes Guitarists Make And How To Solve Them

Bad news: It doesn't matter how many legato exercises you practice - if your general approach to playing legato is flawed, you will only get better at playing this technique ‘badly’. Good news: once you refine the way you practice legato, ‘any’ exercise you practice will make your playing better. Learn how to fix 3 of the most common practicing mistakes that hurt your legato playing in this legato guitar lesson.

Why You Won't Build Finger Independence With Guitar Exercises

There is a big problem with most finger independence exercises: they do not work! In many cases they actually ‘create’ more bad habits than they solve in your guitar playing. Improving your fretting hand finger independence is simpler than you think, but it will not be achieved with ‘exercises’. See why in this finger independence lesson for guitarists.

How To Make The Best Guitar Practice Routine For Yourself

You will become a better guitar player much faster ‘with’ a well-designed practice schedule than without one. You must learn how to create practice routines that 1. actually help you to progress on guitar, 2. are simple to follow, 3. help you to enjoy the process of practicing. Learn how to make a guitar practice routine that works for you.

Why Blues Guitarists Should Practice Like Shredders

Shred guitarists and blues/classic rock guitarists can learn a lot from each other. Both groups possess strengths in certain areas but are often weak where the other is strong. You will become a better guitarist faster when you learn how to combine the effectiveness of both styles of practicing. Learn how by watching this shred vs. blues guitar lesson.

6 Guitar Speed Secrets Nobody Told You

There are 6 deadly mistakes you must avoid when trying to build guitar speed before you work on another ‘speed exercise’. If left uncorrected, these mistakes will devastate your chances to ever build serious speed and will forever restrict you to playing guitar slowly. Learn the ‘real’ obstacles that stand in the way of you playing guitar fast.

How Good Is Your Guitar Vibrato?

Your vibrato defines your lead guitar style… but how GOOD is your vibrato? You can test this very easily to find out how close you are to mastering this technique. Prepare for an eye-opening experience and for learning a great way to track your progress with guitar vibrato.

How To Master Pinch Harmonics On Guitar

Pinch harmonics add fire and intensity to your guitar licks and riffs. Many guitarists have a very hard time doing them correctly, even though this technique is not all that hard to learn. In this pinch harmonics video I’ll show you the exact steps you need to know to master it.

How To Improve Your Sweep Picking When Sweep Picking Exercises Don't Help You

Sweep picking can be one of the most frustrating techniques to learn on guitar if you don’t have an effective way to identify your mistakes, analyze them and know how to fix them. The good news is that the solution is simpler than you think. All you need to do is learn how to expose the weaknesses in your technique in a more obvious way so that it becomes immediately clear what to do to overcome them. To learn how to do this, watch this video about sweep picking exercises.

How To Improve Your Guitar Picking Technique

Many guitarists try to develop their picking technique through hours of repetitive practice with a metronome. However, there is a much better and easier way to speed up your guitar picking technqiue progress that is completely neglected and misunderstood by most musicians (and even most guitar teachers). Watch this guitar picking technique video to learn all about it.

How To Keep Getting Better At Guitar When Your Progress Stops

Sooner or later in your guitar playing you will run into a plateau, not understanding why your guitar progress has stopped all of a sudden. What you need to have during such moments is a reliable step-by-step process that will help you to start improving your musical skills once again. This video will give you the exact blueprint to follow for improving your guitar playing.

How To Solve Your Guitar Playing Problems

If you have ever been stuck, not knowing what to do to solve your guitar playing problems, this video guitar lesson will teach you an innovative approach to overcoming your guitar practice challenges. By applying the advice from this guitar video lesson you will have the guitar practice techniques needed to solve many problems in your guitar playing.

How To Learn The Notes On Guitar And Visualize The Guitar Fretboard

One of the most under practiced skills on guitar is the ability to visualize the entire guitar fretboard and knowledge of notes on the guitar neck. This guitar practice video goes into detail about how to practice to learn notes on guitar and it will show you how to begin using this knowledge more creatively in your guitar playing.

The Best Way To Learn Guitar

Have you ever wondered about how the best guitar players practice guitar? The fact is that the most advanced guitar players have many things in common in the way they approach learning music. This guitar video lesson goes into detail about these common elements of effective guitar practicing so that you can learn to use the same methods to improve your guitar playing.

How To Learn Guitar Chord Changes

Among the most essential skills for any guitar player is the ability to easily change between any pair of chords. Unfortunately, many guitar players have a hard time doing this well, causing themselves unnecessary struggle when attempting to play their favorite songs on guitar. Watch this video on how to learn guitar chords to find out how to eliminate this problem from your guitar technique.

How To Practice Guitar Vibrato And String Bending

If you intend to play any lead guitar, then it will be your string bends and vibrato that determine how good your guitar playing actually sounds. Although these techniques appear to be simple, most guitar players CANNOT make them sound good in their playing. Watch this guitar practice video to learn the best way to learn and practice guitar vibrato and string bending.

How To Improve Your Guitar Picking Technique

Do you want to learn a simple guitar practice drill that is guaranteed to improve your guitar picking speed and accuracy? Many guitar players take their picking hand technique for granted, focusing all of their attention on the fretting hand. Watch this guitar video lesson to learn how focusing on the articulation of your guitar picking technique can create a huge amount of improvement in your guitar playing in a short time.

How To Practice Guitar Scales

Knowing how to practice scales on guitar effectively can be the difference between you feeling free to express yourself with your guitar playing and you simply ‘guessing’ what notes to play whenever you improvise or solo. Fortunately, there is a simple guitar practice method that can be used to easily learn to play any scale ALL OVER the guitar fretboard. This video on practicing guitar scales will show you how.

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Here is how you can learn guitar scales and sequences

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