Learning To Play The Guitar - How To Improve Guitar Playing

The Secrets To Improving Your Guitar Playing Quickly

You probably know many guitar players who seem to put in a considerable amount of time into improving their guitar playing.  Yet despite their efforts, their progress and overall musical skill level remains mediocre at best.  You probably also know a handful of other guitar players who seem to be practicing the same amount of time and doing the same things as the guitarists in the first group, yet they make a lot more progress. 

Clearly, there are many things that affect one's rate of improvement in learning to play guitar and there are many reasons why some guitarists may improve their playing faster than others.  However, among these variables, there is one that makes the most significant difference in the amount of time it will take you to learn to play the guitar well. 

The element is the amount of inner emotional drive and passion (desire) to learn to play guitar that exists within each person.  The reason why this single quality is so critically important, is because it is this drive and desire to become a good (or great) guitar player that will create the will to do what is necessary to improve your guitar playing. 

Learning to play the guitar is no easy task.  Regardless of whether you want to play guitar at a very modest or at an extremely high level, it takes a lot of hard work, perseverance and commitment to become the guitar player you want to be.  Although there are many things one can do to learn how to improve guitar playing in a short amount of time and make the process more enjoyable, there is no getting around the inevitable temporary frustrations and challenges that come along the way.  During such moments, it is only your passion and desire that will carry you forward and help you to not give up and continue improving.  Without a strong enough desire, you risk eventually losing sight of the reasons why you began playing guitar and your practicing will become a lot less productive as a result. 

Because of this, it is important to do something on a regular basis to stay in touch with (and increase the levels of) your desire to play music and guitar.  It may seem that one's level of drive and desire are always fixed, but that is not so.  There are specific things you can do to stay more motivated and inspired to practice guitar.  If you do this often, your passion, drive and determination will become so strong that it will carry you forward like the wind at your back as you continue practicing and constantly getting better at playing guitar.  If you do not do this, learning to play guitar will always feel like an uphill battle - running against the wind. 

Here are several important tips to keep in mind as you practice that will help you to maintain consistently high levels of drive and motivation:

Keep Your Eye On The Long Term Vision Of Becoming The Guitar Player You Want To Be
This means spend a few minutes every day meditating on the amazing feeling you will experience after you finally learn to play guitar the way you have always dreamed about.  What this will do is remove your focus from all the work that you must do to actually reach that level and put it on the final outcome that you want.  By soaking yourself in the intense desire to learn to play guitar at the level you want, all the practicing that you must do to get there will start to feel less overwhelming.  You will stop seeing your practicing as a boring chore and will start to view each practice session as a step towards your musical goals.

Replace The Word "If" With The Word "When"
Do not ever think or speak about becoming a great guitarist with a wishful thinking state of mind and never say things such as: "If I ever become a great guitarist…".  Instead, EXPECT it to happen by thinking about your future guitar skills in definite terms (such as replacing the word "If" in the sentence above with the word "When" instead).  By making this small mental shift, your desire for the final positive outcome becomes more defined and clear.

Record Your Guitar Playing Ever 1-2 Months, Mark These Recordings By Date And Keep Them Around Your CD Collection (Or On Your Computer)
Whenever you feel frustrated with your guitar playing, listen back to your old recordings and think about how far you have already progressed as a player.  Doing this will help you A LOT to keep your desire and motivation high to continue practicing and improving. 

Although there are many things that you need to learn about how to practice and learn to play guitar effectively, it is critical to remember that it is your mental states of desire, drive and excitement to play music that provide the energy and the will to do the work needed to improve your guitar playing.  Therefore it is important to maintain them at high levels.  Do so consistently, and your guitar playing potential will become limitless.

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