How To Keep Your Hands In Sync When You Play Guitar Fast
By Mike Philippov
Playing guitar fast and clean requires your hands to stay in sync for every note. 2-hand synchronization consists of:
- Keeping your hands in sync when you play on a single string
- Keeping your hand in sync on string changes.
You need effective strategies to train each element of 2-hand synchronization when you practice guitar.
Most guitarists are better at keeping their hands in sync on licks that require string changes. Typical scales and scale sequences span more than one string. That aspect of 2-hand synchronization is usually practiced the most. Getting your hands in tighter sync on a single string has the most dramatic and immediate carryover into all aspects of your guitar playing.
This video shows 2-hand synchronization drills that improve your technique and speed for single-string guitar playing:
How to use these concepts to make your guitar practice more effective:
1. Create Your Own Guitar Exercises The Easy Way
Go through all scales you know and create single-string scale sequences to practice. This keeps you from getting bored with practicing a single exercise for too long.
As a side benefit, this also improves your fretboard visualization and your creativity with scales.
Tip: be creative and come up with scale sequences that use 16th notes, 16th note triplets and odd-note groupings. This eCourse helps you master guitar scales and sequences.
2. Exaggerate The Difficulty
When practicing scales on a single string becomes easy, challenge yourself by:
- Increasing your guitar practice speed
- Practicing guitar unplugged
- Reversing your picking (as shown in the video at 4:41).
- Changing note groupings of your scale sequences (example: from 16th notes to 16th note triplets and vice versa).
- Practicing the patterns descending, such as:
- Combining any of these points together for a greater challenge.
This video teaches you how to exaggerate the difficulty of your guitar playing problems while practicing, so you can solve them faster and easier.
3. Rotate Your Listening Focus When You Practice Guitar
What you focus on during your guitar practice determines your progress. Rotate your focus between:
- All notes that are played on downstrokes in your exercise. Ignore the notes played on upstrokes (temporarily).
Then shift your focus to: - All notes played on upstrokes in your exercise. Ignore the notes played on downstrokes (temporarily).
This helps you identify your mistakes more easily and fix them most effectively to keep your hands in tighter sync.
4. Integrate This Guitar Practice Strategy With Other Ways You Practice Guitar
Mastering 2-hand synchronization (and other aspects of your guitar technique) is a long-term process that requires many strategies. No single process is enough to help you master this skill.
You need to learn other guitar practice methods that help you solve any guitar playing challenge easily and effectively.
Guitar practice training helps you maximize the progress you make when you practice guitar and have a lot more fun in the process.
Learn how to practice guitar to get huge results - get training on how to practice guitar the right way.